Investor Overview

FlexiRoam Limited is publicly listed on the Australian Stock Exchange

FlexiRoam's Goals

Our primary goal is to provide global access to technology that drives positive change.

As more devices and businesses become dependent on a stable, secure connection, we aim to transform data connectivity into a seamless experience by providing global coverage, convenient solutions, and greater control over data flow.


Think of us as a superconnector for people and machines, working to fully leverage the capabilities eSIMs have to offer and usher in transformative implementations of IoT technology.


Our Solutions

With FlexiRoam, entrepreneurs and consumers are able to connect devices to cellular networks worldwide using CoRE (Connectivity Revolution Engine).

Our solutions let businesses and consumers easily choose an optimal service provider in the area.


Seamless access to connectivity is an invaluable asset to traveling employees, scalable IoT deployments and a value-added service for the end-user.


Our values

How we deliver is as important as what we deliver

Proud Partners

Our Business Principles

Innovating for a global market

As our clients' businesses grow, compete and learn, so do we. The world is our playing field, providing unique experiences and allowing us to discover new business opportunities with the potential to scale efficiently.

Strategising for recurring income

We focus on the long run, capitalizing on daily and recurring needs. Our ability to add value to the customer's journey by optimizing long-term experiences is what sets us apart from the rest.

Asset-light business model

We don't need to spend millions in capital expenditure to make great things happen. By investing in a well-defined set of solutions and leveraging existing intangibles, we are able to scale quickly and reach multiple industries worldwide.

Scalability for a smarter future

FlexiRoam's innate digital supply chain makes automation an accessible option, offering business owners more control and transparency, even when operations scale dramatically.

Investor Support

How can we be of service? Let us know, our investor support team will gladly assist you. We’ll get in touch shortly.

What else can we do?



With eSIM you no longer need a new physical SIM card, or expensive home carrier data plan when you travel.


Internet of Things

Global deployment powered by connectivity that you can activate and control within a single ecosystem.


Business Roaming Solutions

Single account cost-effective efficient business roaming


Ready to Start?

Download the FlexiRoam App to purchase, top up, manage and activate your eSIM plans